Humans of Krakow

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As Christ the Saviour Presbyterian Church have been trying to indentify how they can respond to the needs of the people of Krakow who are less fortunate, they came across this quote by  Rev. Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758):

“You don’t wait until you are absolutely destitute before you do something to change your condition; so then you shouldn’t help only the absolutely destitute people around you. Don’t be too narrow in your definition of the poor”. 

Even though we still think it is important to care for the poor and as a Christian church we are seeking to help out those who do have needs and possess less, but this thought led us to a different kind of a project which will hopefully help us identify even more needs of the humans of Krakow. 

In 2017 the Church along with Vox Box English speaking community initiated “Humans of Krakow” project as a way of caring for the city and celebrating its people. A group of volunteers came together to participate in this endeavor as photographers, editors, translators and volunteers. They come from different backgrounds, cultures and languages but they are all united by their love for the Royal City of Krakow. This is an open community always ready to welcome new members on board who would like to contribute to this Project. Please join us and let’s write the history of Kraków together! 

Our task is to distinguish individuals and their stories through photography and at the same time build a community of people who are passionate about the greater good and the people of their city. 
People and their journeys and stories matter to us. We hope that those stories are going to reveal where Krakowians are in need of help or development, which hopefully then can lead us to action and to making our city even greater.