Children's Ministry


Christ the Saviour Presbyterian Church’s Children's Ministry

Our children’s ministry - albeit new - is a busy and eventful one. A 10-week-long vacation bible school program acted as the official icebreaker during June, July, and August 2022. The purpose and the need driving this program was primarily aiding displaced Ukrainian children aged 6-14 in Krakow, and thus the follow-up ministries that emerged from this are, at present, structured to continue doing so. That is why two of our three sub-ministries are designed to serve Ukrainian children; they are our (1) weekly events that can be further divided into (a) Swietliki, a midweekly workshop for elementary-aged children and (b) Vibe, biweekly meetings for teenagers; and (2) a half-day care centre to be launched in November 2022 for 4-5-year-old Ukrainian children. Our third sub-ministry - currently a work in progress - will cater to all youngsters who attend our church’s Sunday worship service and will thus accommodate both Polish and Ukrainian languages (with a bit of English in the mixture!) Our ministry promotes and submits to our church’s Presbyterian doctrine and values, and the overall mission is to share the Gospel and teach biblical truths in understandable, practical and dynamic ways while also creating a nurturing environment where children could just gather together and have a really good and edifying time.